Thursday, May 31, 2012

“What is the quality of your intent?

A friend was good enough today to send me this message, and its quite interesting. Please lets be good to our fellows. We really doesn't know what happens in the next minute or next hour. Be bless guys!

“What is the quality of your intent?

Certain people have a way of saying things that shake us at the core. Even when the words do not seem harsh or offensive, the impact is shattering. What we could be experiencing is the intent behind the words. When we intend to do good, we do. When we intend to do harm, it happens. What each of us must come to realize is that our intent always comes through. We cannot sugarcoat the feelings in our heart of hearts. The emotion is the energy that motivates. We cannot ignore what we really want to create. We should be honest and do it the way we feel it. What we owe to ourselves and everyone around is to examine the reasons of our true intent.

My intent will be evident in the results.” - Thurgood Marshall

Have you asked yourself what is the quality of your intent today?

Let's all walk with GOD!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

11 points to ponder for a longer life (PDI aritlce/Health/ Dec 23, 2011)

 Am sharing here again, another very informative article about improving ones health. As this is very helpful to me, hope this as helpful to everyone out there also .  Lets trim down all the meaty stuff and go green.. :)
 I've included every details of this since I did not own this article. All credits to the author and PDI. Please click or paste in your browser the link below if you want to be redirected to the original post.

11 points to ponder for a longer life
By: Tessa R. Salazar | Philippine Daily Inquirer | 8:10 pm | Friday, December 23rd, 2011
As 2011 draws to a close, here are 11 things to think about for a longer, healthier life:

Ø  There’s more to meat than meets the eye. You are what you eat, and oftentimes what you kill can kill you back. Many of modern man’s health miseries originate from the place we would rather not see, smell or hear: slaughterhouses and animal farms. Inside these establishments, God only knows what industrial chemicals, pesticides and growth hormones are being injected, and new strains of bacteria and viruses are being incubated. Countless interviews with toxicologists, meat inspectors and veterinarians confirm this writer’s worst fears. Even a former health secretary has warned the public about animal meat, especially processed meat and animal milk and milk products like butter.

Ø  Too little greens on the plate. Doubtless, the country’s top causes of death are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This is to be expected of a society that eats too little fruits and vegetables. The Philippines shows the lowest annual per capita vegetable intake in Asia—a measly 40 kg as compared to China with 250 kg. The World Health Organization recommendation is between 146 and 182 kg. If we just ate enough fruits and vegetables to reach the minimum range, 31 percent of ischemic heart diseases, 19 percent of strokes and 19 percent of stomach cancers could be prevented.

Ø  Got milk? Got problems. This has something to do with item No. 1. Farm-bred cows, in order to speed up their production of milk, are injected with a wide range of drugs, chemicals and hormones. The “best” thing about it is that this is all legal.

Ø  Processed foods are the bomb. And that’s because of the sort of chemicals put into your neighborhood longganisa. Some government veterinarians even call them longganisa embalsamado, because of the horrendous amounts of nitrate put into them.

Ø  The real inconvenient truth: Worldwide meat production (beef, chicken, pork) emits more atmospheric greenhouse gases than do all forms of global transportation or industrial processes. That’s according to researchers of Scientific American in its February 2009 issue. Each human will consume 2,400 farm animals in his/her lifetime. We increase our carbon footprint every time we eat our burgers, bacon, ham and eggs. Imagine multiplying 2,400 farm animals by 7 billion people on earth.

Ø  Directly related to item No. 5, livestock production is hard-pressed to meet this demand for meat. Cattle raising then becomes a primary factor in the destruction of the world’s remaining tropical rainforests, as cited by Jeremy Rifkin, author of “Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture.”

Ø  Beef and brain disorder. The connection between Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and humans was uncovered in Great Britain in the 1990s when several youngsters died of a brain disorder, which was discovered to be a variation of a rare brain disorder called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), which typically strikes elderly people. CJD is a progressive deterioration of the mental status of a patient who may have ingested infected brain from cattle and other livestock. BSE has been implicated in the use of ground beef and infected cow parts as part of cattle feed.

Ø  Going on a plant-based diet will not make you physically weak. There are a number of vegetarian athletes, even up to Olympic levels all over the world. This writer has met and interviewed Filipino athletes who are vegetarians.

Ø  There are patients who have reversed their diseases by shifting to a plant-based diet. This writer has met many of them. Check out Blecenda Miranda-Varona, DrPH, MPH, RND, a nutritionist-dietitian for 25 years if you want to interact with these patients.

Ø  If you want some peace and order, make them eat fruits and vegetables. A May 2010 neuroscience article in PlosOne journal described the tangible differences among the brains of vegetarians, vegans and omnivores. The brain, as it was found out, tended to rewire itself toward compassion or empathy to fellow beings when subjected to a vegetarian diet. The PlosOne study presents the first neuroimaging evidence of brains wired for compassion when exposed to a meatless diet.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Banana: Health Benefits

Sharing a Philippine Star article about our favorite fruit Banana. You can find the original link below.  A four year old article, but am sharing this just to remind everyone how important Banana is in our daily routine.

Two bananas a day keep the doctor away

Written by Willie T. Ong, MD   
Tuesday, 28 October 2008 16:51

Mang Ruben, a 48-year-old taxi driver, has been eating 10 to 15 bananas a day for the past 25 years. Mang Ruben believes that he can work longer hours and stay stronger because of his banana diet. “Apples and oranges are too expensive, but I can afford to buy bananas every day,” he says. 

Based on my clinical examination, Mang Ruben is indeed in the pink of health. Maybe his intake of bananas contributed to his overall health.

According to nutritionist Michael Van Straten, author of The Healthy Food Directory, bananas are very healthy because they can alleviate 14 medical conditions, including diarrhea, fatigue, heartburn, insomnia, nausea, menstrual problems, kidney problems, fluid retention, and circulatory problems.

What’s In A Banana?

A small-sized, 6.5-inch banana (lakatan variety) contains the following: weight: 100 grams; calories: 90; vitamin A: 64 I.U.; vitamin B: .04 mg. thiamine; vitamin C: 10 mg/; calcium: 8 mg.; iron: 0.4 mg.; phosphorus: 28 mg; potassium: 360 mg.; magnesium: 27 mg.; zinc: 0.2 mg.; carbohydrates: 23 g.; and protein: 1.2 mg.
Among the banana varieties, the lakatan type (yellowish and tastier) has a higher vitamin content, compared to the latundan (white with thinner skin) and saba varieties (used for bananacue). Compared to apples, bananas have so much more vitamin A and vitamin C. Based on these nutritional values, we could make a case for banana as a natural multivitamin.

10 Benefits Of Eating A Banana

1) Bananas protect against heartburns. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemisty (February, 2001) attests to the anti-ulcer properties of the banana. Bananas act like a natural antacid to the stomach. In this article, they identified the secret component in the banana, the flavonoid leucocyanidin. Studies show that bananas can protect against aspirin-induced gastritis and significantly increase the mucous membrane lining of the stomach.

2) Bananas are high in fiber and vitamins. A single banana contains 16 percent of the dietary fiber, 15 percent of the vitamin C, 11 percent of the potassium, and 20 percent of the vitamin B6 recommended each day.

Sorry, apple lovers, but apples have zero amount of vitamin C. Bananas also have soluble fiber, which may help lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3) Bananas are good for the heart. Potassium is an essential mineral needed to regulate water balance, acidity level, and blood pressure of the body. A lack of potassium may cause muscle weakness and irregular heartbeat. For patients taking a diuretic medicine, they should take two bananas a day to keep the potassium level up. Take note also that bananas have zero sodium (good for high blood pressure) and zero fat and cholesterol (good for those with high cholesterol).

4) Bananas may reduce strokes. Numerous studies have shown that low potassium levels can cause heart palpitations, which can then lead to a stroke. In the editorial of the prestigious Neurology Journal, the author suggests that a banana a day may keep a stroke away. Among the fruits and vegetables, bananas contain one of the highest amounts of potassium.

5) Bananas help counter stress and insomnia. Bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is known to make you feel happy and improve your mood. If you feel sad, don’t despair. Take a banana and be happy.

6) Diabetics may take bananas in moderation. Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep the blood sugar normal. The food-and-nutrition glycemic index rating for a ripe, yellow banana is 51, which is fairly good. This means that the carbohydrates in a banana have a medium-to-slow effect in raising your blood sugar levels. However, as bananas ripen, the starch in the fruit turns to sugar and may cause your blood sugar to rise more. The lesson is: It’s okay to eat a banana, but not the overripe one.

7) Bananas fights fatigue and anemia. Bananas contain carbohydrates and thus boost our energy, as Mang Ruben will attest. Have you seen Roger Federer eat a banana between games? The high potassium content prevents cramps and provides instant energy with its easily digestible starch. Bananas are also a rich source of iron, thus it is helpful for patients with anemia.

8) Bananas may prevent leukemia. A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology by Kwan et al. (Dec. 2004, pp. 1098-107) shows an association between regular consumption of bananas and oranges in children from ages 0 to 2 and a reduction in childhood leukemia. The result suggests that fruits or fruit juices containing vitamin C and potassium may reduce the risk of childhood leukemia, especially if consumed at a young age.

9) Bananas may prevent childhood asthma. A European study of 2,640 primary school children in South London concludes that eating bananas at least once a day reduces episodes of wheezing and asthma attacks in children (European Respiratory Journal, Feb. 14, 2007). Eating apples and other fruits was not as beneficial. Also, eating only one banana a month was not effective. Note to moms: It’s time to teach our kids to eat one banana a day.

10) It’s Filipino and the best news about the lowly banana is that it’s cheap. That is why Mang Ruben can buy a bunch or two a day. And it comes in a great package. A banana can fit cleanly in your bag. Just cut it high up in the stem. When you feel hungry and stressed, reach for a banana.

The only downside with bananas is that some people may become constipated. If this is the case, then maybe you can mix your bananas with other fruits like papaya and watermelon to loosen your bowels. Taking in lots of water also helps.

Personally, bananas have helped me a lot with my irritable bowel syndrome. I hope you can discover the wonders of the banana and add it to your daily diet. It just might cure you of your medical problems.

Remember: Two bananas a day may keep the doctor away.

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 October 2008 17:00

Monday, February 13, 2012

Benifits Of Lemon to The Skin

Sharing you here an article from Philippine Daily Inquirer. Please click the link so that you can be diverted to its original post/site.

All the late-night sleep and too much sun exposure at the beach one might have gotten during the holiday season, no doubt, could impose so much strain on one’s skin and make one look haggard at this point. Now, that the frenetic holiday activities have abated, it’s time to give one’s skin and body the recovery they need.

There’s no substitute to having a good night’s rest. To further help our skin regain its glow, the good old lemon treatment can help do the trick, according to our daughter Shelly, who’s now a dermatology resident at the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital.

Good ‘skin food’

“When life throws you lemons, don’t make lemonade. (That’s extra calories!) Instead, squirt them all over your face, hair and nails. Replete with citric and ascorbic acid, which are natural exfoliants and antioxidants, lemons are good ‘skin food’—they make your skin lighter, clearer and more radiant,” writes Shelly in her published article in the latest issue of Zen Health magazine.

The lemon extract could help lighten dark areas, and even improve the appearance of age spots for senior citizens. “To get an overall glow, squeeze the juice out and apply them directly to your problem areas once a day before going to bed,” Shelly advises. She adds though that if one’s skin becomes overly sensitive, one can opt to dilute the lemon juice in water by applying a few drops to a moistened cotton ball or mixing it with equal parts clean water in a spray bottle.

“You can even add it to your bath water as you soak in the tub!” Shelly says. And for those who’re feeling more experimental, they can mix the lemon juice with honey, egg white, aloe vera, extra-virgin olive oil, chamomile tea, rose water, sugar, or yogurt to concoct a homemade whitening toner, paste, or mask.

Some people’s skin can be extra sensitive, so they need to test first before applying these concoctions. “To best determine if your skin can handle it, it’s best if you test a small, coin-sized area under your chin with a dab of lemon juice or your preferred concoction overnight. If it doesn’t become irritated the next day, then you’re good to go,” Shelly recommends.

Aside from the juice, the lemon rind also has skin-enhancing effects. One can peel off the rind, chop it up in little pieces, and rub these gently on the skin in a smooth, circular motion. After a few seconds, wipe them off and rinse with water, Shelly advises.

Exfoliating effects

Shelly also says that the exfoliating effects of lemons also help clear pimples and blackheads faster, giving one’s skin an overall boost. “It must be said, however, that while putting your skin on the ‘lemon diet’ is generally safe, you should avoid excessive unprotected sun exposure, because this might result in rednessand irritation which may reverse the lightening effects and actually cause darkening,” Shelly warns. She recommends wearing sunblock and to avoid applying lemon juice on the areas with thinner skin such as around the eyes and sides of the nose and mouth.

The beautifying benefits of lemons extend beyond the skin. It can also do wonders for one’s nails and hair, Shelly says. Soaking the nails in lemon juice can help make them whiter, stronger and faster growing. Those with dirty-looking nails due to stains caused by nail polish or smoking can benefit from lemon treatment. Here’s how to do it: “Just fill a bowl halfway with warm water and then add 1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Dip your nails in the bowl and allow them to soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Afterward, rinse off your hands and pat them dry. You can keep repeating this daily until the yellow tinge wears off.” For the smokers, quit smoking, of course.

Lemon also does wonders for the hair. Shelly recommends that after shampooing and rinsing your hair, apply lemon juice directly on the hair strands to give it shine and volume. To do this, add about 1/4th cup of lemon juice to 500 mL of water and use it as a second rinse. “The acidity of the lemon juice will lighten the hairs and create shine,” explains Shelly.  She does not recommend it if one has just recently had her hair colored or treated. I think this might accelerate the fading of the hair color.
“So the next time life throws you lemons, don’t feel bad. Rub it all in and get fantastic, glowing skin!” says Shelly.

For more health tips for the holistically healthy woman, one can grab a copy of Zen Health magazine from any leading bookstore or magazine stand.

Reasons why smart people stays single

I receive this from an email, and posted it here just for fun.. :p 

Reasons why smart people stays single:


1. Single means you have the time to grow and be the person you want to be. 
2. Single gives you space to grow. It is harder to grow when you are too to close to           someone. 

3. Single means learning to live by yourself. 

4. Single means freedom. 

5. Single means learning not to need a man/woman to make your 
    life meaningful. 
6. Single is realizing that being married is not necessarily better. 
7. Single means that there could be something wonderful around the corner 
    and you can take advantage of it. 
8. Single means you are free to love again. 
9. Single means you have more time to care for other people.


1. Marriage is not a word, but a sentence (life sentence). 
2. Marriage is very much like a violin, after the sweet music is over, the 

    strings are attached. 

3. Marriage is love, love is blind.Therefore marriage is an institution for 

    the blind. Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's 

    and the woman gets her Masters. 
4. Marriage is a thing which puts a ring on a woman's finger and two under 
    the man's eyes. 
5. Marriage is not just having a wife but also inherited worries forever. 
6. Marriage requires a man to purchase 4 types of "Ring" engagement ring, 
    wedding ring, suffe-ring and enduring. 
7. Marriage life is full of excitement and frustration. In the first 
    year,the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman 
    speaks and the man listens. And in the third year, they both speak and the 
    neighbours listen. 
8. It is true that love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener. 
9. Gettin g married is very much like going to the restaurant with 
    friends.You ordered what you want, and when you see what the other fellow 
    has, you wished you had ordered that. 
10. A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking, the husband gives 
    and the wife takes. 
11. Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock. 
12. When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten year 
      married man looks happy, we wonder why. 
13.Before a man is married, he is incomplete. Then when he is married, 
     he is finished


Friday, February 10, 2012

Ako at Si DotA

DotA or Defense of the Ancient?

According to wikipedia: (

Defense of the Ancients (commonly known as DotA) is a mod for the real-time strategy video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancients, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters. As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.
Aahh! there, well explained, but for me its an old battle between good and evil. Sentinel (good) versus Scourge (evil) and up to this present time no winner yet.

Another scenario we can relate to this, is the battle between your mother and father, boyfriend and girlfriend, PNoy and Supreme Court? whichever is the scourge or the sentinel ikaw na bahala, kampihan lang naman din to eh. Make sure lang strong hero napili mo.Haha! It's your responsibility naman to make your hero strong di ba?
Ibagsak and Edukasyon, Ipang DotA and Baon!
Jeezz, my nephew used this as his wallpaper once, and I said wow huh! seguraduhin mo lang mataas ang grades mo dahil pag hindi, ipapatunaw kita sa acid ni Pudge at ipapa laser kita kay Tinker.

DotA for my advantage:
When was I learned to play this game ba? Hmmn! I dunno! I remember before I used to criticized my nephew too much about playing DotA but later on I think, eeh its quite fun. 

If my memory serves me right, ( cuz I hate it when it serves me left.. :p) I learn to play this one due to my nephews frequent suggestion. (Teh, practice pa ug DotA, lingaw lagi!) and I said heh, later on, ahh why not, hehe! 
Practiced, I am.. 
  • Vengeful Spirit and me, total failure.
  • Razor and me, below average, tsk almost give up.
  • Kardel and me, passed.. weeeh!
  • Balanar and me, whoah, Killer me!
Im not good at this really, I've known people who played this game like GaaHHHdd! and its a talent. 
Why to my advantage? Every time am pissed off with somebody I play DotA, and I imagine the face of that person to the hero am up against and kill em and kill em and kill em, till those anger has subsided and the stress has low down. I usually pick Kardel because of those assassinate special skill, it makes me sooo satisfied. Hehehe (*evil and tenacious-grin*).
More Serious Tone:

Gaming is already a part of our teenager's socialization so instead of prohibiting them of doing such why not doing it with them as a family time.  But, they should also be reminded  or you must remind them their responsibilities at home and school.

Marami nga daw pala naghihiwalay na mag BF/GF dahil sa DotA, sabi ko graveeh naman toh dami na masyado karibal ang mga girls, DotA, fellow girls, at lalaki na rin, sad naman.. :( huhu!
May Joke nga pala!
Girl: Fairy God mother I got a wish po!
FGM: Okay, so what is your wish?
Girl: I want to be that someone na habulin po ng mga boys!
FGM: ahh, okay gagawin kitang computer game, gagawin kitang DotA..

Ache-cheeh ---- Tawa nahh--


My Photography: Enticing Puerto Princessa

Here are some pictures I've taken from Puerto Princessa, City Of Palawan. Enjoy!
Credits: Ms. Anne Uy

A tour at Iwahig!

The old Hall, haunted.. hehe

Fair justice.. :p

Butterfly @ Butterfly Sanctuary

KaLui awesome food for lunch! A must if your visiting PP.. :)

Mitras Mansion..

Bakesr's Hill, a must visit place!

Where you pay your environmental permit to enter Underground River

Docking area, going to Underground River!

Roaming freely at Subterranean mini park!

Subterranean River entrance!

Puerto Princessa's famous Tamilok.. :)

Dos Palmas, Resort & Hotel

The place is waiting pack and visit now... Philippine summer is past approaching.. :)
